
Best Wishes 2022
Best Wishes 2022 We wish you health, success and prosperity for you and your loved ones. We have some great surprises in store for 2022 and look forward to sharing them with you. Happy New Year 2022 !
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Installation at the Parc des Eaux-Vives
Thanks to its attractive flame, our outdoor heating system is even attractive in summer. We would like to thank the Hotel Metropole and the Restaurant Parc des Eaux-Vives for their trust and their warm welcome. ???? ????
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Edelsun at the Mango Lounge
Come to relax and enjoy the Mango Lounge's delicious cocktails and enjoy the warm atmosphere generated by our Edelsun heating system ????????.
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The french-speaking part of Switzerland is mobilizing
Municipal measures are multiplying in French-speaking part of Switzerland in support of the reopening of restaurants and bars. These include: Easier planning and extension permits,Encroachment on authorised parking spaces,Waiver of occupancy tax. Edelsun...
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No, you won’t warm up the little birds by heating your terrace!
Thanks to its specially adapted technology, the Edelsun outdoor heating system heats by radiation. In contrast to convection or transmission by conduction, radiation propagates through the air practically without heat loss, thanks to electromagnetic waves (mainly...
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Why is the combustion of wood pellets eco-friendly?
A short ecology lesson today ???? (don't worry, it will be very short). We use as wood pellets as combustible material, which are produced by compressing and assembling clean sawdust coming directly from sawmills (no waste wood with added paint etc...). Heating with...
The prize for innovation: Marquise Technologies from Gland receives an award in the framework of the Economic Forum of la Côte.
The canton has given its authorization for terrace heaters to be used again, provided they are environmentally friendly.